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About the Exhibition

This exhibition’s origins begin with exploring the all consumptive, agonisingly frustrating, artists' block. A familiar angst that creates impotence for those that place their self- worth, and that of others, on an ability to be creative.


It charts an individual’s journey of exploring, finding and dismantling those blocks and displays the visual output that reflects that journey. In doing so it becomes clear that the events and memories that continue to allow the artist to be ‘locked in’, to an uncreative place, are unimportant, to the point of ridiculous.


Our memories are re-written, each and every time they are recalled and as such are changed and modified along the way.  Future events are proven to affect our past, so really, what’s the point in worrying, the only reality is the mindful now, that’s all that ever exists. 


You are invited to spend an evening contemplating your navel and other such quantum phenomena, complimented with a performance of poetry that is second to none.


Complimentary refreshments are provided.

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